
Animated Images

Hello there, how is everyone? It's friday today, so I hope everyone is enjoying their night. =D

Anyway, today I gonna share 2 animated images that I did using abstract arts. Well, these art works are what I did yesterday and today and I'm just playing around with the colors and effects. Apparently one of my friends kinda attracted to the bubbles so I ended up making a color bubbles effect. 

Animated Abstract Art 

Animated Color Bubbles

Well, like I said above, I made a color bubbles with two different effects. I would prefer the first one as it makes the bubbles look smoother and beautiful. The other make it more like it is reflecting lights on a rough surface. But I still kinda like it and my mom loves it a lot more that she can't stop staring at it. 

 Color Bubbles 1

Color Bubbles 2

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