
Special Effect

Hey guyz, I just added another 4 more special effect art work. Basically I have been playing on Special Effects and Text Effects lately. Kinda addicted to it. (LOLZ)

Apparently, I don't really like the firework one but will keep trying to play on the color arrangement and effects. 

For the Text Effect that you saw all the way to the bottom, you can try that and put it as a title for Portfolios or Advertisement or anything you like. It will make the whole packaging cool and style if you like to play with text effect.

Ok, erm, for my way of keeping my own work, I will tend to add in my signature and dates to keep tracks of my past work and look back how badly I have done or what I have done so far. Well, I can't say that all designers should do that because it is really up to the person way of doing. For mine, this is how I keep my stuff.




Text Effect

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